I am pursuing a Master’s in Machine Learning at University College London.

Previously, I worked as a Full-Stack Machine Learning Engineer at JuliaHub (formerly Julia Computing) for 3 years. I graduated from BITS Pilani with degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2021.

I love contributing to open source. I helped build JuliaGaussianProcesses. I have also previously worked on Turing.jl - a generative probabilistic programming framework and PyMC3 - another Python equivalent.

As an undergrad, I was a Visiting Student at MIT’s Probabilistic Computing Project under Prof Vikash Mansinghka, worked on Model Compression techniques during my undergraduate research at BITS under Prof Ashwin Srinivasan and Tirtharaj Dash, and spent a summer at Inria with Prof Julyan Arbel researching Uncertainty Quantification in Bayesian Neural Networks.

Check out my research and open source contributions.

I am currently looking for interesting products to work on. Hit me up on LinkedIn or email if you want to chat.

My Interests

  • Programmable Intelligent Systems
  • Agentic Systems
  • Structured LLMs